English digest of the my blog posts 2013 dec to oct

I writen blog to software topics. Main theme is ubuntu and other.
Write japanese.
This page is English digest.

POST from the fancyBox Form

 and Sample source.

fancyBox dialog sample message form

Ubuntu setting Suspend shortcut key

Release auto setting script. it in github. in add_shortcut.sh.

Shortcut key setting menu gui.

Ubuntu snap to impossible capture screen shots (configure timer shot)

Release auto setting script. it in github.in add_shortcut.sh.
Impossible screen shots is :
Canceling PrintScreen key apps. (example: calender widget)
Disappear window view because of send keys. (example: Menu bar).

Impossible shot (Ubuntu calender widget)

Ubuntu version shift 13.10 to 12.04

I shift to Ubuntu older version.
Failure to can't move user data.
Use of the package for newer Ubuntu.( not better technique)

This is danger technique. Example :  Ubuntu is broken.
Target package or there dependencies (search to depend package to use synaptic package manager).
Ubuntu packages page( or google search)
Keyword [ package_name ubuntu_version Ubuntu packages ] etc.
Download and install to .deb package.

Failure Liferea open browser and resolution setting

Liferea setting menu select browse

Failure Compress Big Zip file Error

Big zip archive (2GB over) Ubuntu 12.04, thereupon unpacking error for windows7.
Use of the zip archiving library package for newer Ubuntu.( not better technique)
Ubuntu12.04 "zip" package is 3.0-4.
Shift to zip 3.0-7(from Ubuntu 13.04) package

Package Dependencies

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(今回、持って回った英文翻訳風にざっくり雑にブログ記事を書きたい気持ちだったのでクイズの形式を取っているだけです。答えバレ防止反転表示などはしていないので、本当にクイズ当てしようとせず、軽い気持ちで読んでください。)   3Dモデリングソフトウェアは立体という我々が日常に何時も触...